Thursday, February 15, 2007

Love Never Wanted me....

We all deal with LOVE right? Even if we don't have it, we want it. The songs on my ipod might put the feelings in me; but never will fill my heart. All through life were worried about what’s next. If in high school can't wait till college. In college? Can't wait to get done and get married. Married? I want kids! Have kids? Now I'm trying to get rid of them. We’re more concerned about the direction of our lives are going than what learning at that moment.

This video expresses the feelings in our head and not having anyone to go too.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Great stuff! I love the voice many times have we all stood at similar crossroads in our lives?

DL Smith said...

This could be a pilot for the "FC." Franklin, County. Or maybe "THE OSU." Sweet.